September Product Update: Spike Alert Dashboard, Brand Templates

  • Author

    Iva Anušić

  • Published

    Sep, 29, 2023

  • Reading time

    6 min

September brings forth a wave of improvements designed to help you gain deeper insights, present your brand more effectively, and communicate more clearly. Let’s dive into the September Product Update and explore the latest novelties in Determ.

New Spike Alert email and dashboard reveal what caused an increase in mentions

In our ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. That’s why we have revamped the Spike Alerts to help you quickly understand the reasons behind sudden spikes in online mentions without the hassle of sifting through endless data in your Feed.

What’s New:

  • Enhanced Email Alerts: Our revamped Spike Alert email not only notifies you of trending topics but also highlights posts that may have triggered the increase in mentions. This feature provides immediate context, empowering you to take action or refine your strategies.
  • Informative Dashboard: Say goodbye to information overload. The new Spike Alert dashboard boasts a suite of insightful graphs and a succinct Synthia summary. These tools provide a comprehensive analysis of the situation at a glance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions easily.

Brand templates

Your brand’s identity is as unique as your fingerprint. We understand the importance of showcasing it consistently and impressively in your reports. The refreshed Brand Templates make customizing your PDF and PowerPoint reports easier, more intuitive, and visually striking, ensuring your brand shines through.

What’s New:

  • Enhanced Customization: Tailoring your reports has never been easier or more intuitive. The refreshed Brand Templates offer a user-friendly interface that empowers you to effortlessly infuse your brand’s personality into every aspect of your reports.
  • Visually Striking: First impressions matter. Our updated templates ensure that your brand is presented in the most visually appealing way possible, making your reports informative and eye-catching.

Fixed Text chart in the web app and PDF or PPT reports

Effective communication is the cornerstone of success. To help you convey your ideas more clearly and comprehensively, we’ve significantly improved our Text chart feature. The Text chart now allows users to add paragraphs and lines, making it easier to include comments and display custom reports more clearly.

What’s new:

  • Paragraphs and Lines: You now have the flexibility to add paragraphs and lines to your Text charts. This enhancement allows you to seamlessly include comments, explanations, and other textual information within your charts, making your custom reports even more informative and easy to understand.

To sum up the September Product Update

In conclusion, the September Product Update includes a wave of improvements to provide you with a more insightful, visually appealing, and effective experience with Determ. We’re committed to helping you stay ahead in your industry and communicate with precision.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the months to come!

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