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Gain a sense of control through industry, competitive, and consumer insights that will keep you in step with the market.

Why Determ

Find worldwide opportunities

Identify new opportunities and partners around the globe and accelerate the growth of your business.

industry technology

Understand your audience, market and industry

Give customers what they want

Launch new products and features that your customers actually want and need. Avoid information overload, use Determ to get those valuable insights.

Make sense of your industry and competitors

Be one step ahead of your competitors by monitoring their activities, industry trends, and consumer needs. Make data-driven decisions based on actionable insights that are a few clicks away.

Disrupt the game

Differentiate your campaigns and offer something new that will resonate with your target audience. Get inspired by thousands of online conversations available at glance in one feed.

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“Other than identifying authors that mentioned us, a benefit we saw was using the influence score metric to guide us towards those media outlets that we were unfamiliar with prior to them mentioning us. Based on this information, we generated some quality leads, so the lead generation aspect was simplified. In qualitative terms, Determ has increased my efficiency with contacting influencers, and therefore the entire company’s efficiency with the campaign.”

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