Since our last product update, Determ has introduced several new features and improvements to help you get the most out of our platform. We’ve launched the Analytics Beta, improved the Coverage Report, and significantly updated our Newsletter feature. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at these updates and show you how they can benefit your media monitoring and analytics tasks.

Let’s explore what’s new in Determ.

We know how challenging it can be to prove PR impact. That’s why the new Analytics Beta is here to help you quickly evaluate and showcase the impact of your PR efforts with precise, visually stunning analytics that make your achievements undeniable.

Imagine transforming complex data into clear, compelling visuals that tell the story of your PR success.

So, what’s exactly new? Well, Analytics Beta consists of new dashboards offering greater depth, clarity, and visual appeal. You no longer need to spend hours creating custom dashboards for specific insights.

Our new dashboards come pre-made, allowing you to dive deeper into strategic insights or sources. This includes the likes of:

  • Main dashboard: Key PR metrics to evaluate your performance.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Understand audience sentiment and media perception.
  • Opinion Leaders: Identify and analyze key opinion leaders.
  • Conversational Trends: Discover messaging trends in public discussions.
  • Source – Websites: Analyze key metrics from websites.
  • Source – X (Twitter): Track and analyze Twitter trends.

Use the convenient filters to drill down into specific aspects of your coverage, and discover new, unique widgets exclusive to the Analytics dashboards, all designed to give you a comprehensive view of your data.

What’s more, you can now share any dashboard via a public link (just like this one!). That enables you to share live data with non-Determ users, so any stakeholder can stay informed without you needing to send repeated updates.

In the coming weeks and months, we will add even more dashboards to the Analytics library and standard exporting options.

As we prepare to fully transition from current Reports to the new Analytics by October 2024, you’ll continue to have access to the existing Reports, a powerful tool with customizable dashboards, diverse export formats, and custom branding options. These beloved features will be integrated into the new Analytics over time, ensuring the new platform surpasses the current Reports in both value and utility.

Coverage report: Clip to get screenshotted mentions and metrics as a Word document

No more copying and pasting links or screenshotting articles and posts. The Coverage Report saves you hours of manual work by automating compiling media coverage. This new report type in Determ is focused on showcasing your media coverage as press clippings and generated in under a minute.

It works by simply selecting mentions in your Feed and clicking the Clip button. Determ will compile the selected mentions in an editable Word document, so you can adjust your Coverage report if needed.

Newsletter updates: Send from custom email, translate, and add custom mentions

We’ve updated our Newsletter feature with a series of updates designed to give you more control, customization, and efficiency in creating your communications.

Now, you can:

  • Edit titles and snippets or have Synthia summarize the original text. Make them more captivating and clear to ensure your audience is engaged and well-informed.
  • Arrange mentions in and across different sections to align with your strategic goals, ensuring the most critical information takes precedence.
  • Manually add custom mentions to capture offline coverage or add a personal touch to your newsletter. Verify your business email address as the sender of newsletters. This maintains your brand identity and enhances content credibility.
  • Translate mentions into predefined languages directly within the newsletter editor. Select a language and click “Translate” to use our AI assistant, Synthia, for translation. This feature also works for manually added mentions.
  • Verify your business email address as the sender of newsletters. This maintains your brand identity and enhances content credibility.

Export filtered data directly from the Feed

The new Export button in your Feed lets you start exporting data right where you view and analyze mentions — no more jumping between tabs or menus.

Any filters you use to view data in the Feed, like source, tags, or search bar, apply directly when exporting. This means you can tailor your exports to get precisely what you need. We made Excel the default export choice, making the process quicker. The ‘More’ option gives you access to all our usual export formats.

View all mentions

The new View all mentions option enables you to view, filter, and analyze mentions from all topics you have access to in a single feed view. This makes it easier to find the information you need.

Click the View all mentions at the bottom of your left sidebar in the Feed to open the new centralized view. Each mention will contain information about the specific folder and topic they are associated with for easier navigation.

To sum up the latest product updates in Determ

In this blog, we explored the latest product updates. From the Analytics Beta with its time-saving dashboards and effortless sharing capabilities, to the detailed Coverage Report that automates tedious tasks, and the enhanced Newsletter feature that provides greater control and customization, we’re committed to making your work easier and more effective.

We invite you to explore these updates and share your feedback. Let us know what features you’d like to see next or how we can further improve Determ. We look forward to hearing from you!

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