October Product Update: AI in Reports, New Export Options

  • Author

    Iva Anušić

  • Published

    Oct, 31, 2023

  • Reading time

    5 min

Welcome to the October Product Update! This month, we’re excited to unveil new features that bring Synthia’s AI data analysis to the Reports, let you export data from specific sources, and simplify data sharing with other users.

Let’s dive into the latest novelties in Determ!

Get supercharged report insights with Synthia

Synthia can now perform in-depth analysis on every interactive chart within your Reports!

This means you can effortlessly delve into mentions, pinpoint spikes and drops, and uncover deeper trends and insights. Here’s how:

  • Interactive Chart Analysis: Click on any chart element – like spikes in mentions, specific sentiment, location, or author – to access a list of relevant mentions instantly.
  • Refined Data Views: Easily search and sort mentions for a more focused analysis
  • Summarize for Insights: Synthia extracts key insights, including sentiment, tone of voice, and critical findings, just like in the Feed.

With Synthia’s expanded capabilities, you’ll better understand your media data, saving time and enabling more informed decision-making.

Export data only from specific sources

By popular demand, you now have the option to choose one source, two (or more), or all sources during the Export process!

We’ve designed this feature to mimic your Feed experience, where all sources are initially selected, and with the ‘Only’ option, you can easily pick just one source. After you’ve chosen one, you can then add another source and include mentions from your social profiles in the Export.

This is extremely handy for you if you want to export, for instance, only Facebook and Instagram mentions—no more need for multiple exports or a single, large one that requires cleaning up afterward.

Inviting users and sharing data is now simpler

Click on the three dots next to any folder on your Feed to open Sharing options. Now, the differentiation between anyone on your team or only specific users being able to access the selected data is clear and straightforward.

To conclude the October Product Update

The October Product Update has brought a wave of features to Determ designed to empower you with more control, insights, and efficiency in media monitoring.

With Synthia’s expanded capabilities, your report insights have been supercharged. Interactive chart analysis, refined data views, and summarization for insights enable you to uncover deeper trends and make more informed decisions effortlessly.

No more hassle when exporting data! We’ve made it simple to select specific sources, streamlining the process and eliminating the need for multiple exports. It’s never been easier to obtain the precise data you need.

Sharing and collaborating are also more accessible than ever. With clear and straightforward options, you can invite team members and selectively share data with ease.

We’re committed to making your media monitoring experience as seamless and insightful as possible. As always, chat with us for additional questions or get a personalized walkthrough of the new features!

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