5 Crisis Managemet Solutions You Shouldn’t Miss Out On

  • Author

    Martina Pranjić

  • Published

    Oct, 31, 2023

  • Reading time

    8 min

Crisis is something you read about on the social media or in the news. Something that happens to somebody else. Until it happens to you and your business.

If you’re one of those thinking that it could never happen to you – think again. 69% of business leaders reported experiencing a crisis over a period of 5 years, with the average number of crises being 3. 

💡 Read Crisis Management 101: How to Save Your Business When a Crisis Strikes

So whether you think you need a crisis management solution or not – that’s not important. The fact is, if you’re a serious business, taking care of your reputation and brand image, you need to have it.

Let’s take a look at 5 crisis management solutions that save the day.

PR Crisis Management Ebook

Why Does Your Business Need A Crisis Management Solution

A crisis management solution is essential for any business to effectively navigate unexpected and potentially damaging situations. These solutions provide a structured and strategic approach to handle crises, be it natural disasters, public relations nightmares, cybersecurity breaches, or other emergencies.

Without a crisis management plan and the associated tools and strategies, a business may find itself ill-prepared, leading to chaos, reputational damage, financial losses, and even closure in extreme cases.

Why determ_UC Crisis management
Crisis management dashboard focused on sentiment analysis in Determ

A well-designed crisis management solution not only allows for a coordinated response but also helps in preserving a company’s reputation, maintaining stakeholder trust, and ensuring business continuity. It’s a proactive approach that mitigates the impact of unforeseen events and keeps the organization resilient and ready for any challenge coming their way.

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Crisis management is needed to effectively navigate unexpected and potentially damaging situations

Best Crisis Management Software


Veoci is a no-code software option which simplifies communication, keeps track of vital information, and assists in making decisions during tough times. It also help with organizing documents and tasks, ensuring everyone knows their role. With its user-friendly website and mobile app, Veoci is a practical solution for businesses to handle challenging situations and maintain their operations effectively. Its main features are real-time messaging and document management, task assignment, crisis training and simulation, etc. 

Read 7 Corporate Crisis Examples and Ways to Manage Them


When do you need Veoci?

  • Natural disasters. When dealing with events like hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, or wildfires, Veoci can help organizations coordinate response efforts, communicate with teams and stakeholders, and manage resources efficiently.
  • Cybersecurity Breaches. In the event of a cybersecurity breach or data breach, Veoci can assist in orchestrating an organized response, mitigating damage, and preserving sensitive information.
  • Public Health Emergencies. During health crises, such as pandemics or disease outbreaks, Veoci aids in monitoring the situation, coordinating healthcare resources, and ensuring timely communication with healthcare professionals and the public.
  • Public Relations Crises. In cases of public relations crises, such as negative media coverage or reputation-damaging events, Veoci supports PR teams in managing communication, tracking responses, and rebuilding trust.

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Determ, a media monitoring tool, is a valuable asset for organizations facing crises and emergencies. What is more it is extremely useful in all phases of a crises – in detecting, tracking its course, as well as its impact and results.

This tool provides real-time insights into how a company is being portrayed in media channels, social networks, and news sources. It enables businesses to detect emerging issues quickly, monitor public sentiment, and respond proactively to protect their reputation. Determ is especially useful for countering misinformation and engaging with the public transparently. By continuously monitoring media coverage and public discourse, organizations can adapt their crisis communication strategies effectively, ensuring they maintain public trust and minimize potential damage to their reputation during challenging times.

Its main features encompass real-time media monitoring, data analytics, competitive intelligence, sentiment analysis, etc.

Why Determ Monitoring

When do you need Determ?

  • Public Relations. Public relations professionals use this tool to measure the effectiveness of PR efforts, identify trends, and adjust strategies as needed.
  • Brand and Reputation Management. To maintain a positive brand image and reputation, businesses should regularly track media coverage, social media discussions, and online mentions.
  • Crisis Management. During crises or emergencies, organizations can use Determ to monitor and manage public sentiment, detect emerging issues, and respond promptly to protect their reputation.
  • Product Launches and Campaigns. When launching new products or marketing campaigns, monitoring tools assist in tracking consumer reactions, feedback, and mentions in the media.
  • Political campaigns. Determ enables candidates and political parties to gauge public sentiment, track campaign-related discussions, and respond swiftly to emerging issues. 
  • Market Research. For market research purposes, Determ can help identify consumer trends, sentiment towards specific products, and emerging industry topics.

Read How PR Professionals Can Use Media Monitoring And Stay Ahead of the Game


Zendesk, known primarily as a customer support and ticketing platform, can also serve as a valuable crisis management solution for organizations. During a crisis, effective communication and support are crucial, and Zendesk’s robust features can play a significant role. Its ticketing system allows organizations to centralize and prioritize crisis-related inquiries, ensuring no issue goes unaddressed. Zendesk’s automation capabilities help streamline processes and allocate resources efficiently. Additionally, it offers multichannel communication, enabling organizations to respond to customer inquiries via various channels, including email, chat, and social media, which is essential for managing a crisis’s public-facing aspect. 

Read Customer Reviews: 6 Steps For Collecting Them Effectively


When do you need Zendesk?

  • Customer Support. Zendesk is critical in managing customer inquiries and complaints during crises, ensuring a prompt and efficient response to maintain customer satisfaction.
  • Communications Management. In situations where timely and coordinated communication is vital, Zendesk helps centralize and streamline interactions with customers and stakeholders.
  • Ticketing and Issue Tracking. During crises, organizations can utilize Zendesk’s ticketing system to prioritize, track, and resolve issues efficiently, ensuring no critical concerns are overlooked.
  • Multichannel Support. When crises result in an influx of inquiries across various communication channels (email, chat, social media), Zendesk’s multichannel capabilities enable organizations to manage these diverse interactions effectively.


Salesforce, primarily known as a customer relationship management (CRM) platform, allows organizations to centralize critical information, including customer data, communication logs, and service requests, providing a holistic view of the situation. This integrated approach enables teams to respond promptly, coordinate efforts, and communicate effectively. The platform’s workflow automation streamlines tasks and ensures that the right actions are taken at the right time.

Salesforce’s reporting and analytics tools help monitor crisis-related trends, optimize response strategies, and make data-driven decisions. While not specifically designed as a crisis management tool, Salesforce’s adaptability and comprehensive features make it an effective solution for organizations aiming to enhance their preparedness, communication, and crisis response, ensuring minimal disruption to operations and maintaining customer relationships during challenging times.


When do you need Salesforce?

  • Crisis Communication. Salesforce helps organizations streamline and centralize crisis communication efforts, ensuring that the right messages are delivered to the right stakeholders promptly.
  • Resource Allocation. During a crisis, efficient resource allocation is crucial. Salesforce can assist in managing and allocating resources effectively, such as personnel, assets, and materials.
  • Task Management. Salesforce’s task and workflow management features are essential for coordinating response efforts, ensuring that critical tasks are assigned and completed on time.
  • Data Centralization. The platform allows organizations to centralize data related to the crisis, providing a single source of truth for information, which is vital for making informed decisions.

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This comprehensive software offers a wide range of functionalities to support crisis preparedness, response, and recovery. Noggin’s central dashboard provides real-time insights and situational awareness, allowing decision-makers to make informed choices. It helps organizations streamline communication, allocate resources efficiently, and automate tasks to ensure a coordinated response. Noggin’s extensive reporting and analytics tools enable the monitoring of crisis-related trends, while its documentation and documentation capabilities ensure that critical information is easily accessible. 


When do you need Noggin?

  • Comprehensive Crisis Management. Noggin provides a one-stop solution for managing various aspects of crisis preparedness, response, and recovery, making it an indispensable tool for organizations facing emergencies.
  • Situational Awareness. The platform offers real-time insights and situational awareness, enabling organizations to make informed decisions during crises.
  • Effective Communication. Noggin streamlines communication efforts, ensuring that information reaches the right people at the right time, both internally and externally.
  • Resource Allocation. Noggin assists in allocating resources efficiently, whether it’s personnel, equipment, or assets, ensuring they are used where they are needed most during a crisis.

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To Conclude

Whether using specialized solutions like Veoci, Determ, or Salesforce, or comprehensive platforms such as Noggin, the key lies in planning, streamlined communication, efficient resource allocation, and the ability to adapt swiftly to the evolving situation. By understanding the importance of crisis management solutions and integrating them into their operations, businesses can minimize disruptions, safeguard their reputation, and emerge from crises stronger and more prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead. 

If you’d like to test how Determ helps you in mitigating crises, book a demo with one of our experts.

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