Examining the Top 8 Best Social Brands of 2024 

  • Author

    Guest Blogger

  • Published

    Apr, 16, 2024

  • Reading time

    12 min

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to engage with customers and build brand awareness. 

And many brands have mastered the art. Some encourage user-generated content (UGC) to build a sense of community. Others use compelling stories to draw people in and make them feel like they’re part of the story, too.

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There are so many ways to promote your brand and build your social media following.

Need some inspiration? Below, we talk about some of the best social brands of 2024.

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1. SoFi

SoFi is a leading fintech company that offers a wide range of personal finance services, including options for student loans.

It recognizes that financing for higher education can be confusing and stressful — especially when it comes to managing student debt.

As a result, the company tapped into the power of data analytics to pinpoint the concerns of its target demographic.

In fintech, understanding and addressing customer needs through data-driven insights is crucial.

Recruiters in this sector are looking for professionals who can use the power of data analytics and tech to drive company growth.

SoFi uncovered a huge gap in its audience’s understanding of handling their student debt effectively.

This observation wasn’t a critique of SoFi’s services but highlighted a broader issue within the personal finance management space.

Seizing this opportunity, SoFi went on a mission to clarify the complexities surrounding private student loans.

How? By creating and sharing straightforward, educational content, SoFi aimed to enlighten consumers about the ins and outs of private student loans.

Screenshot of SoFi private sudent loans landing page
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This initiative not only eased user concerns but also positioned SoFi as a dependable source of information and a thought leader within the personal finance sector. Plus, they continue this narrative across all social media channels, including Instagram.

SoFi Instagram post about college acronyms
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2. Burger King

Burger King has gained attention for its bold and unconventional social media marketing strategies.

It all started back in 2020 when Burger King launched its #MoldyWhopper campaign.

The name of the campaign is a bold move in and of itself. Burger King took a big risk by associating its famous burger with an undesirable and unappetizing microorganism: mold.

But it worked. Many fast-food chains are known for their food going for long periods without spoiling due to artificial preservatives and additives.

Burger King turned a negative into a positive by highlighting that it no longer uses artificial ingredients in its burgers.

This deviated from ‌industry norms, which resonated with consumers who craved authenticity and transparency from their favorite fast food brands.

Burger King Moldy Whopper
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This is a short time-lapse video showing the famous Whopper rotting over 35 days.

As stated in the video’s description, “It might’ve gone against every convention, but it showed that mold could be a beautiful thing too.”

Moldy Whopper YouTube video
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Today, Burger King still boasts a strong social media presence, engaging its audience at every opportunity and making the Whopper the star of many posts.

See the examples below.

Screenshot of Burger King social media poll about the Whopper
Poll Burger King on Twitter Image source
Screenshot of Burger King social media poll about the Whopper
Poll results on Twitter Image source
Screenshot of Burger King social media post showing Whopper on a ferris wheel
Burger King Twitter Image source
Screenshot of Burger King social media post showing Whopper with Drumstick ice cream ingredients
Burger King Twitter Image source

3. Netflix

Netflix is another big brand on social media. It regularly uses its social media accounts to promote its latest releases, whether they’re original series, movies, or documentaries. 

Visit Netflix’s social media platforms, and you’ll see trailers, behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with cast and crew, and sneak peeks.

This generates excitement and anticipation among its followers. 

Netflix has also developed a memorable brand voice on social media that consists of humor, wit, and pop culture references.

Its social media posts often reveal its playful personality, which resonates with its primarily millennial and Gen Z audience.

Screenshot of Netflix social media post showing funny Avatar meme
Netflix Twitter Image source

The video streaming brand even started a popular social media challenge after the high success of its Squid Game series.

Users participated by recreating scenes from the show, such as the red light and green light game, and shared their creations online.

This organic, user-generated content contributed to the series’ viral marketing and increased its popularity.

Screenshot of social media user participating in the Netflix Squid Game Challenge
Chickenhut Portugese BBQ Shop Image source

4. Bud Light

Bud Light has a vibrant and engaging presence on social media, using each channel to connect with its audience, promote its brand, and foster a sense of community among fans of the beer.

For example, its posts represent a celebratory culture. Whether it’s showing people enjoying Bud Light at a barbecue, cheering on their favorite sports team, or simply hanging out at a social gathering, Bud Light’s social media content reflects its brand ethos of fun and celebration.

Screenshot of social media post showing fans at a football game and drinking Bud Light
Budlight Twitter Image source

Bud Light also has a popular branded hashtag, #BudLightCelly, which encourages football players and fans to share their celebratory moments after scoring a goal or winning a game.

Screenshot of social media post showing football players celebrating
Saints Twitter Image source
Screenshot of social media post with #BudLightCelly hashtag
Ryooon14088 TikTok Image source

Bud Light even partners with popular artists like Post Malone to boost brand awareness, increase social media reach, and enhance the brand’s cultural relevance.

Screenshot of Bud Light social media post endorsing Post Malone
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5. Cruise America

Cruise America has cultivated a strong social media community by developing branded hashtags that resonate with its audience, RV rental enthusiasts and adventurous travelers.

For example, Cruise America encourages customers to share their traveling experiences on social media using the #betherenow hashtag.

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The brand frequently reposts user-generated content that features creative Cruise America-inspired travel, stunning outdoor destinations, and brand loyalty, celebrating its passionate fan base.

Cruise America takes user engagement a step further by encouraging followers to share their “amazing travel photos” for a chance to win “Photo of the Month” and see their work showcased by the brand. The winner receives not only ‌recognition but also a prize of $500.

screenshot of #Betherenow winner
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6. Nike

Nike is known for spreading powerful and inspiring messages on social media.

The famous shoe brand often shares motivational quotes, videos, and stories encouraging people to overcome challenges, embrace their potential, and strive for greatness.

This reinforces Nike’s slogan, “Just Do It.”

With its “You Can’t Stop Our Voice” campaign, Nike shared a powerful message: you don’t have to be a star to have a voice.

The goal of this campaign was to increase voter participation and minimize barriers to voting.

Screenshot of social media post using Nike #YouCantStopOurVoice hashtag
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Nike even partnered with Lyft to give discounted rides to people in communities who have difficulty getting to the polls.

Screenshot of social media post using Nike #YouCantStopOurVoice hashtag
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With 2024 an election year, we won’t be surprised if Nike launches a similar campaign to rally voters. 

Nike also shares sports-related stories on social media, celebrating the best professional sports players.

In this X post, Nike celebrates the big win of the Kansas City Chiefs against the San Francisco 49ers in the LVIII Superbowl.

By featuring this achievement, Nike pushes the message that it’s never about how you start. It’s always about how you finish. 

This inspires and motivates its followers to push their limits and pursue their goals no matter what gets in their way.

Screenshot of Nike social media post celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs Superbowl win
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Nike doesn’t just boast a large social media following because it makes iconic shoe designs.

It also pushes inspiring messages and is always participating in major social causes, cementing its commitment to social corporate responsibility.

This is huge because 77% of consumers want to purchase from companies with CSR initiatives.

7. Spotify

As a music streaming platform, Spotify’s goal is to get as many listeners as possible and keep them coming back.

It does this quite well with an annual wrap-up report, known as Spotify Wrapped, that’s personalized for every user.

It shows their most-listened-to music and podcasts.

Three Spotify Wrapped screens shown in Instagram stories
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These reports are in an Instagram Stories format, making them easily shareable.

Users can also share their Wrapped screenshots on the X platform using the #SpotifyWrapped branded hashtag.

Example of #SpotifyWrapped
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This conversation isn’t just limited to yearly recaps. Users can also talk about their personalized Wrapped reports throughout the year.

Spotify’s social media strategy works so well because it makes it easy for users to share their in-app experiences. All it takes is the tap of a button—no resizing or reformatting necessary.

The lesson brands can take from this is to offer personalized, shareable content that encourages customers to use their product or service more often. 

8. Airbnb

Airbnb is well-known for its social media storytelling and user-generated content to create an emotional connection with its audience.

For one of its popular campaigns, the brand invited photographers as guests to take photos during their stay.

The artists captured candid moments of families and friends on vacation. Airbnb took this footage and uploaded it to its social media platforms in a documentary-style format.

Because it was from the guest’s perspective, the content felt more natural, showing potential guests what it’s like to travel and live in an Airbnb.

In its posts that aren’t as large-scale, Airbnb still encourages guests to post their experiences. In the screenshots below, you can see guests sharing authentic recaps of their stays on X (formerly Twitter).

Screenshot of social media post talking about their stay in an Airbnb
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Screenshot of social media post talking about their stay in an Airbnb
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Airbnb’s Instagram account shares more visual content, showcasing some of its most breathtaking properties.

Screenshot of scenic social media post by Airbnb
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Final Thoughts

When it comes to social media engagement, creativity is where it’s at.

Your brand is unique in its own way, so why not showcase what it offers and how it’s different on your social media platforms?

Look at how some of these brands use their social media platforms to expand reach and boost engagement. Use their social media strategies as inspiration for your own campaigns.

Of course, you won’t be copying them. You’ll develop your own ways to stand out from the crowd and get your audience involved, whether that’s through branded hashtags, UGC, or compelling brand stories.

Need help along the way? Get started with Determ today to make the most of your social networks. 

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