Welcome to the new Product Update blog series, where we will break down new features, improvements, and bug fixes in Determ each month.

This May, we had the most important launch in Determ. We introduced Synthia, an AI assistant powered by the ChatGPT API, which promises to transform how you gather and analyze media data. We also overhauled the Alerts feature in Determ to notify you of mentions in real time or when there is a spike in their volume.

New features

Meet Synthia, your new AI assistant

Synthia is set to automate data analysis and insights generation in Determ. Its name indicates its underlying process—information synthesis, powered by the ChatGPT API and advanced natural language processing capabilities. Synthia can:

  1. Understand context 
  2. Identify sentiment and tone of voice
  3. Analyze any spoken language.

It identifies critical information and actionable steps for any topic you monitor, so you can uncover insights that are not obvious by skimming the data collected from online media.

Determ's AI assistant Synthia

With Synthia, you can instantly generate a topic summary that gives you the following:

  • An overview of top mentions
  • Sentiment and tone of voice analysis
  • Key insights and next-step suggestions
  • Topics to monitor in the future.

Save up to 20 hours or $6000 monthly and focus your energy on more strategic work. Learn more about Synthia and how it can help you make more informed decisions faster. 


Alerts overhaul, Smart and Spike alerts are now available

We have redesigned the Alerts functionality, providing Smart and Spike alerts and an improved interface.

Alerts interface in Determ

Now, you can get the following:

  • A Smart alert based on specific keywords and sources you set as triggers to receive mention notifications
  • A Spike alert when the number of mentions exceeds the defined threshold, indicating a potential crisis or trend.

Both will help you stay informed in real-time, so you can timely respond to any changes or developments in your field. A sudden increase in mentions might mean a brewing crisis or a trending opportunity, so checking the situation online is a good idea.

Check out our video tutorial on how to set up Alerts in Determ or read more about Alerts and Digests.

Change mention sentiment directly in the Reports

The improvement to changing sentiment is that you do it directly in the Reports. This allows you to change sentiment wherever you see fit, Feed or Reports, and save time.

Manually change sentiment in Reports in Determ

We hope you enjoyed this recap of the May edition of the Determ Product Update blog. As always, contact Customer Support via chat or book a demo for any questions to get a personalized walkthrough in Determ.

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