Suppose you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed, admiring snaps, and perhaps even adding a comment or two. When you’re doing this, do you ever stop to think about what the entire Insta-universe feels about that hot new product, the latest blockbuster film, or even the daring hairstyle flaunted by your favorite celeb?

That’s where Instagram sentiment analysis comes in. It’s your very own secret decoder, unraveling the hidden emotions and thoughts tucked behind all those hashtags and emojis. 

💡 Read Media Monitoring: The Ultimate Guide 

In this ultimate guide, we’re spilling the beans on the captivating world of Instagram sentiment analysis. We’ll look at why analyzing sentiments on Instagram is a big deal, the fantastic benefits it offers, and how you can run your very own sentiment analysis. We’ll even sprinkle in some tips and tricks to help you master it.

Sound good, marketing mavens? Great, let’s get started then.

What Is Social Media Sentiment Analysis?

Instagram Likes
Unraveling the hidden emotions behind likes and hashtags

Social media sentiment analysis is a bit like having an exclusive backstage pass to eavesdrop on what folks are really chatting about when it comes to your brand on social media. But hang on, it’s not just about counting how many times your name comes up or the number of comments you receive. No, it’s much more sophisticated than that.

Think of it as “opinion mining” – diving deep into the words and meaning of what people are sharing on social media. It’s like trying to get the vibe of a conversation at a lively party. Are people excited, thrilled, or perhaps a tad judgy?

Now, let’s put this concept into action, shall we? Picture this: You’re part of a team specializing in selling domain names. You’ve got a fantastic service, but you want to know what people really think. Are they raving about how easy it is to buy a domain through your platform, or are there concerns and critiques flying around? 

Social media sentiment analysis becomes a vital piece of the puzzle, helping you keep a watchful eye on your social media strategy. This way, you can fine-tune your game plan.

Why Might A Brand Carry Out Instagram Sentiment Analysis?

Instagram feed example
Keep a watchful eye on your social media strategy

Alright, so you might be wondering, “Why on earth would a brand bother with Instagram sentiment analysis?” Well, it’s not just about curiosity. There are some pretty compelling reasons:

Reputation Management

Your brand’s reputation is pure gold. It’s what sets you apart in the big, bustling world of businesses. With Instagram sentiment analysis, you can better protect it. 

Read Reputation Analysis Guide: How To Do It And Why

Let’s say you run a popular travel agency specializing in adventure trips. With sentient analysis and social listening for crisis management you’ll be able to monitor the conversations happening around your brand. If a customer posts about their thrilling hiking experience but mentions an issue with accommodation booking, you can jump in and address the issue head-on. You not only solve the problem but also turn it into a win, showing the world how customer-focused you are. Your brand shines brighter thanks to this proactive reputation management.

The Ultimate Sentiment Analysis Guide Embed

Tailored Marketing

Marketing isn’t just about shouting from the rooftops. It’s about speaking directly to your audience’s heart. Understanding your audience’s sentiment can guide you in crafting campaigns that hit the bullseye of their emotions. Whether you want to make them burst into laughter, shed a tear, or ponder life’s mysteries, sentiment analysis gives you the insights to customize your messaging for maximum impact.

Let’s switch gears to a sweet scenario. You’re the mastermind behind a cozy dessert business. Sentiment analysis reveals that folks often describe your treats as indulgent, decadent, and the ultimate guilty pleasure. With this insider scoop in your apron pocket, you launch a marketing campaign that’s all about embracing guilty pleasures. Your Instagram feed turns into a haven for dessert lovers. Now, you’re not just selling desserts. You’re selling pure, unadulterated delight. 

You can check conversational trends based on sentiment and tailor your communication strategy accordingly; source: Determ

Supercharged Customer Service

Instagram isn’t just a photo-sharing paradise. It’s also where people seek help. According to the 2022 Sprout Social Index, 35% of people in the U.S. turn to Instagram for customer service. So, you have the perfect opportunity to connect directly with your audience, address concerns, and turn potential frowns upside down.

Now, picture you’re at the helm of a tech company known for its nifty gadgets. Your sentiment analysis antenna picks up a trend – more and more users are chatting about a specific feature, and not in a thrilled way.

But you’re on it like a tech-savvy hero. You respond swiftly to comments and messages, acknowledging the issues and offering guidance. Users are pleasantly surprised by your speed and expertise. Your Instagram morphs into a tech support hub, and you gain a reputation for top-notch customer service.

Customer Sales Insights

Hold on to your hats: a whopping 70% of shoppers look to Instagram for their next purchase. That’s like having a bustling digital marketplace at your fingertips. By analyzing sentiment, you can unlock the secrets of what makes your audience click that “buy now” button, whether you’re selling fashion, tech gadgets, or artisanal chocolates.

Deeper Brand Insights

Buyers research brands on instagram
Instagram users are actively following and researching brands and products

But wait, there’s more! Many Instagram users are actively following and researching brands and products. In fact, it’s the second most popular activity on the platform, with 62.2% of users getting in on the action. Instagram sentiment analysis helps you see what they’re seeing, and then you can fine-tune your brand image for maximum impact.

Read A Complete Guide to Brand Insights to Improve Brand Strategy

Influencer Collaboration

72% of marketers made Instagram their playground for influencer campaigns last year. People buy from people, so working with influencers is a great way to further sell your products or services. Think of Instagram sentiment analysis as your personal talent scout, helping you discover influencers who regularly speak positively about your brand or industry. 

For example, imagine you’re the driving force behind an eco-friendly fashion brand. Sentiment analysis unveils a league of influencers whose followers practically chant “sustainability champions,” “eco-conscious living,” and “green fashion” when talking about your products.

Read Stop Making These 4 Influencer Marketing Mistakes

You reach out to these eco-warrior influencers, forming partnerships that feel like old friends coming together. They authentically endorse your eco-friendly fashion, striking a chord with their eco-conscious audience. Your brand becomes synonymous with sustainable style, and sales rocket sky-high.

3 Steps To Analyzing Sentiments On Instagram 

You now have a grasp of what social media sentiment analysis is all about. Let’s roll up our sleeves and look at how you can actually do it. And guess what? Here are three straightforward steps:

Step 1: Keep An Eye On Your Mentions

Instagram users statistics
Number of Instagram users worldwide from 2020 to 2025

The first move in social media sentiment analysis is to uncover the conversations happening about your brand online. But here’s the thing: there’s over 1.3 billion users on Instagram, and not everyone will directly tag your brand when they’re talking about it. Tricky, right?

Thankfully, you can use tools to track your social channels for all mentions of your brand, even when you’re not explicitly tagged. These tools can also be massive helpers when you want to monitor hashtags related to your products or brand name. 

Let’s break it down with an example. Say you’re running a tech company that’s all about secure data exchange. Your customers might be going on and on about the wonders of your services without giving your brand a direct shout-out. But with these tools in play, you’ll be like a digital detective, catching every single mention and hashtag like a pro.

Step 2: Decode The Sentiment In Your Mentions

Now that you’ve got your mentions under control, it’s time to figure out how people feel about your brand. Think about the words that indicate positive or negative sentiments. Here are some examples:

  • Positive vibes: love, amazing, great, best, perfect
  • Negative vibes: bad, awful, terrible, worst, hate

There might be other terms specific to your product, brand, or industry, so keep an eye out for those, too. For example, if you work for a beauty brand, you might see words like gorgeous, radiant, dewy, and glam for lovers of your company and allergic, cheap, and tacky for the haters. Or, in the context of a contact center integration, your words might be efficient, seamless, frustrating, or costly.

Create a list of both positive and negative words, and then scan your mentions for posts that contain these terms.

Here’s a tip, though: if you’re tracking sentiment manually, you need to consider the context. Is someone being sarcastic when they claim they had “the best” customer experience with your brand? 

Step 3: Calculate Your Social Sentiment Score

Calculating social score
You can calculate your social sentiment score

Free to use image from Unsplash

It’s time to put those numbers to work. You can calculate your social sentiment score in a couple of ways:

  • Positive mentions as a percentage of total mention
  • Positive mentions as a percentage of mentions that include sentiment (excluding neutral mentions).

The method you choose doesn’t matter all that much as long as you’re consistent. What truly matters is tracking changes over time, so pick a method that suits your goals.

Just remember, the second method will generally give you a higher score since it excludes neutral mentions. And that’s it! You’re well on your way to understanding the vibes around your brand in the social media universe.

Final Thoughts

Now it’s time to put a bow on this Instagram sentiment analysis adventure. We’ve covered a lot, from decoding Instagram’s hidden sentiments to understanding why it’s a game-changer for brands. 

If you are interested in tracking sentiment in our tool Determ, you can book a demo and discover the benefits for your business.

Now, with these insights and tools in your arsenal, dive in. Connect with your audience on a deeper level, fine-tune your strategy, and let your brand shine in the social media spotlight. Happy analyzing!

Liked this blog? Want to learn more about sentiment analysis? Check out our Sentiment Analysis Challenges: Solutions and Approaches guide today!

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